Embrace The Network and Measuring What’s Important; hosted by Twitter

First up we have Patrick Hamann who will be giving his talk entitled ‘Embrace The Network’ on modern techniques for building resilient front ends. This was first given at Front End London and received great feedback so if you missed it here’s another chance to see it.

Secondly, we have a real treat in store in that we have a talk from the pioneer of much of the work in the world of web performance, Steve Souders along with Mark Zeman who now work together on the performance monitoring solution Speedcurve.


Measuring What’s Important

Until browsers add mind-reading event handlers, we have to search for an alternative way to measure how fast users think our sites are. For decades, the go-to number has been…

Embrace The Network

The network is intrinsically unreliable. More so, the network is out of your control as a developer. Therefore, we must design systems which embrace the unpredictability of the network and…

When is it?

6:45 PM, 4th November 2015
