A guide to network throttling methods

On 12th November 2019 at Akamai as part of LWP November: Lighthouse audits and network throttling

When testing site performance, network throttling lets us simulate how a page would load for a user on a slower connection. But not all network throttling tools are the same, and it impacts your metrics and what conclusions you can draw from them.

You’ll learn what the differences between browser-level, OS-level, and simulated throttling are, and what that means in practice.

Session video

Presented by

Matt Zeunert

Founder at Debugbear


Matt is the founder of DebugBear, a website monitoring tool for front-end developers. Before that he worked as a contractor, most recently building SEO audits on the Lighthouse team.


LWP November: Lighthouse audits and network throttling


12th November 2019

Skill level
