Memory Management Masterclass

On 26th August 2014 at Skills Matter (Goswell Road) as part of Google WebPerf Special

Efficient JavaScript webapps need to be fluid and fast. Any app with significant user interaction needs to consider how to effectively keep memory usage down because if too much is consumed, a page might be killed, forcing the user to reload it and cry in a corner. Automatic garbage collection isn't a substitute for effective memory management, especially in large, long-running web apps. In this talk we'll walk through how to master the Chrome DevTools for effective memory management. Learn how to tackle performance issues like memory leaks, frequent garbage collection pauses, and overall memory bloat that can really drag you down.

Session video

Presented by

Addy Osmani

Engineer at Google working on @GoogleChrome


Engineer at Google working on @GoogleChrome • Author • Creator of TodoMVC, @Yeoman, Material Design Lite, Critical • Husband


Google WebPerf Special


26th August 2014

Skill level
