Scaling your startup in the SaaS age

On 11th June 2019 at The Financial Times at Bracken House as part of LWP June: Scaling repos and your organisation

Edd takes a look at the differences between building a tech business today versus in 2009. With the vast array of products, services and platforms available to the modern developer, how do you work out the right approach to getting your product to market in the most competitive way, without finding yourselves burdened with some kind of new "SaaS-debt"?

Session video

Presented by

Edd Read

CTO at Tiney

Co-founder & CTO at, a new platform for early-years childcare. Previously CTO at healthy-snack-by-post pioneers,


LWP June: Scaling repos and your organisation


11th June 2019

Skill level

Beginner / Intermediate