Snake Oil in Image Compression

On 6th September 2016 at The Financial Times as part of Snake Oil in Image Compression

Well compressed images are necessary for good website performance. There are lots of tools and image formats that promise improving performance, but which ones are really the best? I'm going to present best practices for lossy compression, and — in a meta twist — I'll show you tools that you can use to evaluate performance of tools for image performance. All that so you can make your images have higher quality *and* load faster at the same time.

Session video


Presented by

Kornel Lesiński

Image compression tinkerer ( , ). Programmer. Information sponge.


I like standards, RFCs and deleting code.

I specialise in web development (Node.js, ES6, Postgres, HTML5 and friends), web performance optimisations, and image compression (ImageOptim, pngquant).

I also do a bit of OS X development and drool over Rust.


Snake Oil in Image Compression


6th September 2016

Skill level

Intermediate / Advanced