The Shape of the Web

On 10th May 2018 at The QEII Centre as part of DeltaV Conference

Somewhere on a university campus in the US midwest, a 20 some year old student was earning minimum-wage, writing code in the middle of the night that would forever change the world. Until 1992, the internet was largely textual, reserved almost exclusively to academia, with the charm of searching for library books via antiquated card catalogs. The sea change was a browser called: Mosaic. Marc Andreessen, the young minimum-wage earner, co-authored Mosaic and in 1993 it became the 1st consumer-friendly browser, described once as the “gateway to the riches of the internet”. 25 years later, these same internet riches have become richer content, browsing has become as quotidian as a cup of coffee though not without a touch of tumult. “The Shape Of The Web” is about both accomplishments and challenges that lay in past, present and future of the web, its technologies employed and its employed technologists.

Session video

Presented by

Henri Helvetica

Performance blogger


Henri is a freelance developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, or indiscriminately auditing sites in devtools, Henri can be found contributing back to the community, co-programming meetups including the Toronto Web Performance Group or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps. Otherwise, he’s riding track bikes, tooling with music production software or more recently, focusing on the fastest 5k possible.


DeltaV Conference


10th May 2018

Skill level
