Third-party content: the weak link in the chain

On 9th January 2018 at The Financial Times as part of Who’s afraid of Webpack? / 3rd Party Content: the weak link in the chain

The Resource Timing API allows site owners to measure how third-parties perform for every single pageview. Combining this data with business intelligence provides new insight to the impact of third-party providers on business performance.

This talk explores some of the toughest questions in web performance, backed up with huge amounts of data:
- Will moving to a new advertising network increase revenue?
- Is A/B testing losing more revenue that it gains?
- Does measuring web performance impact web performance?

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Presented by

Simon Hearne

Web Performance Architect


Simon is a Web Performance Consultant in Surrey, UK. He has a passion for all things fast and works with Europe’s largest websites and apps to measure and improve user experience.


Who’s afraid of Webpack? / 3rd Party Content: the weak link in the chain


9th January 2018

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